Monday, June 13, 2011

A conversation I don't want to forget

All last weekend I coached Emma to say “Albuquerque” and that daddy was going to Albuquerque for a few days and while he was there he would buy her presents.
Last Monday, as JMT was saying his goodbyes, this is the conversation that ensued…

JMT: I’m going away to Albuquerque, Emma. Do you know what that means?

Emma: You bwing me pwesents?

JMT: Yes, Emma. I bring you presents. What kind of presents do you want?

Emma: (matter-of-factly) A man.

JMT: (visibly startled): What kind of man?
Emma: (matter-of-factly) A black man.

Big grown up boy

Eating lunch this Sunday afternoon on the patio at Panera.  He knows when his picture is being taken, and gives this big grin for the camera each time.