Monday, February 2, 2009

Gettin' Crafty

I was on my morning blog-surf this morning, and saw this posted on my friend Tricia's site.

The first seven people to respond to this post will get something made by me. This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:

  • What I create will be personalized and intended for you.
  • It’ll be done this year (2009).
  • You will have no idea what it’s going to be. It may be knitted, sewn, papercrafted, used in a bubble bath, related to photography, graphic design-y, or perhaps a mix CD. I might even bake you something and mail it to you. Who knows? Not you, that’s for sure!
  • The catch? You have to put this offer in your journal as well and make seven things for your friends! (If you have already done this, then I will happily add you to the list.)
This is a direct cut-and-paste so I can't promise knitted or sewn, unless I dig some projects out of the deep, deep archives.  But I think it's a fun idea, and it gives me some projects to look forward to.

Let's get craftin!


Rachel said...

Hey girlie! How about a counter-offer? Since I'm going to be out of the country by the holidays, what if we do this craft exchange for our birthdays this year? I'm down with that if you are. I might dust off my crafty skills....

Jen said...

Ooh! I like that. Remember that day in college we raided your mom's art room and made trippy candle holders and picture frames? I had a blast that day!

Rachel said...

Actually, I don't remember that at all. And I don't remember asking twice before about a friend's tatoo. And I don't remember that I had a fairly serious conversation with my boyfriend in June -- only to have it with him again the other day. And I don't remember the neighbors we had for 6 years in Pickerington as my Mom sent me an email from one of the girls I used to babysit. I think I'm losing my mind. But I bet it was fun, though!