Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sweet Sixteen

Emma is sixteen weeks old today, and I thought it important to take stock of where she is these days, since the times, they are a changin'.  And fast.

Right now, Emma's main trick is to smile her drooly, gummy smile at you, and "agah" and "gee" (with a hard G as in goose) at you until melt.  She can change gears so quickly, going from a wail to a gee in the same breath.  She loves her hands, and spends much of the day weaving her fingers together and putting both hands in her mouth.  She has almost entirely given up the pacifier in favor of a finger or a fist, which she sucks on noisily and joyfully.

Emma has terrific head control, and can hang out in a baby push-up position almost indefinitely.  She rolled over a half-dozen times last week, but seems now to have forgotten how.  She also now enjoys the exersaucer (though my design aesthetic does not).  She'll sit in it for about 10 minutes with her tiny mitts on the little book/mirror combo, smiling at the sunshine toy. 

Emma is sleepy in the mornings, and I have to wake her to get dressed and nurse one last time before I take her to daycare.  When I unswaddle her, she stretches and yawns and rubs her eyes, and makes the biggest goofy smiles when I say "Good Morning".  She is an angel in the mornings.

But not so much at night.  Sometime around 6:30 or 7:00 most nights, Emma starts to fall apart and needs constant nursing, jiggling, or cuddling to keep it together.  We are working on establishing our nighttime routine, which normally entails a 7:30 bedtime.   With the time change next week, I know things will be up in the air again, so I'm not holding my breath.

Here's a picture of daddy and baby from last week: 

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