Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Spinning on that dizzy edge

There's a lot going on in our lives right now. [editors note: understatement of the decade] JMT and I are moving back to our hometown in about a month. I'm pregnant again. JMT is traveling every week for work--has been for the last 6 weeks and will continue to do so until the move. I'm looking for a job in a different state. Looking for an apartment. Trying to organize my house, my life. It's a lot.

I've been singing this Cure lyric over and over in my head and I think it sums up what we're doing--spinning, dangerously close, to that dizzy edge. The edge of falling apart. But somehow, we are keeping it together, staying on the edge and not falling in. I think that's because all of this is so right.

There's a part of all of us that second guesses major decisions--it's part of an internal gut check to make sure that we don't end up doing something terribly stupid. I second guess most every decision, from what I wear to work and eat for lunch to my daycare and nutritional decisions for my child. But, strangely, I'm not second guessing the decision to move back to Ohio. Something about it just feels right deep inside. Raising our family with our family is the right thing to do. A childhood in Colorado would be full of mountain adventure, but no secret snack-time rituals with Grandma or ornery adventures with Grandpa. The photos would be great, but the memories would all be missing something.

I won't say that I'm not sad to leave. I took a walk with Emma through downtown Manitou today and fell in love with this town all over again. I love the obnoxious tourist trap t-shirt stores, the dreadlocked hippies and their rangy dogs, the streetcorner philosophers and the midwestern yokels soaking it all in. I love the architecture and the art, the fountains and the stream. I love that my first child was born here. Perhaps she will soak in some of the local color and it will shine through her wherever we live. I love that we've had this experience in this amazing place.

But I am looking forward to going home.


GeekByMarriage said...

Whoa rewind... You're pregnant again? CONGRATS! Love how you just slipped that in there.

Allison H said...

Ditto! Preggers again!? COngratulations! And we are all happy you are coming home too! Looking forward to seeing you soon! I have seen John trudging into his parents' place late at night and wonder how you are doing back in Colorado...I'm sure you are wonderful...Let me know if you need anything!

Unknown said...

I'm glad you're at peace with moving back home. I'm going through one of those times when I really wish we were. I pray that being near family will be a wonderful blessing for all.

Congratulations! We just found out that I am too. :)

Jen said...

Congrats, Tricia! We'll get to be pg buddies this time.

This has been a good test to see which of my friends read my blog! He he he... Yeah, with as much as we have going on these days, it's kind of just one more thing instead of being a BIG DEAL. I'm sure once the move is over, it'll sink in that we're going to have another baby!

Susie said...

I'm sad for you guys to leave Manitou as well - but it's going to be such a positive change for our family and I'm excited to get to spend more time with you and everyone else. (you are gathering quite the crowd!)

let me know if there's anything I can do!

Michelle Ross said...

All will be well, and an extra blessing to seal the deal. G-d is so good!
I've always wondered if being far from family is right or wrong, or just "is" for us, since we can never seem to find our way back home. Let me know what you think after you get there! Love!