It's hard for me to believe that this was only a 4-day work week. It's been so draining. I had a very challenging work situation the last two weeks, and it is finally resolved. When I took this job, I thought I was "ready" to be a manager, but I was woefully under-prepared for the magnitude of responsiblity. That said, I'm happy with the way everything has turned out. I think I've grown up more in the past two weeks than in the past two years. Or at least I now recognize and project my inner grown-up!
I'm looking forward to an interesting day tomorrow. It's the county democratic convention, and at my caucus earlier this month I was selected to go as an Obama delegate. It's been neat to see the insides of a system that we usually just look at from the outside. It will be a long day though, so I'm busy preparing my "survival kit". I've got reading materials, my ipod, granola bars, and a water bottle on the list.
The other good news this weekend is that JMT finished his most recent class, and won't be in class again until July. Now that there's no homework responsibility, we can start watching season 6 of 24! Go Jack Bauer!