Sunday, March 30, 2008

I'm not gonna let no stinkin' volcano get me down

So part of the reason that JMT and I are so enthralled with the idea of visiting the Big Island of HI is the active volcano on the island. We've had romantic notions of sunset hikes along the coast to see the red lava oozing into the ocean, the unbelievable looking B&B in the rainforest near the volcano that we've booked at the Volcano Village Lodge. Check out this room:

Anyhow, the news has been carrying stories lately about new activity on Kilauea. It's been spewing thousand foot high plumes of ash and smoke at times. So far, the winds have kept the situation safe, but that could change at any time and screw with our trip. Here's the latest CNN story I've seen on the drama:

So for those of you who are Hawaii locals (and I have two readers in HI now!), can you keep me posted? Is this really the big deal that the national media is making it into?


Anonymous said...

Actually, it's really not that big of a deal from my perspective. I don't watch the local news that much and since I have been on vacation this week, I have watched it less, but it seems the main worry is for homes near the volcano. I think you guys should be ok. AND- if you somehow got diverted from being able to stay on the big island, you could always stay with me- free lodging!


Anonymous said...

I saw on the news this morning that there is a health advisory on the big island, something to do with the Volcano. They are recommending residents stay indoors. Thought you would want to know.
