Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Clean bill of health

Emma had her two-month appointment with the pediatrician yesterday.  After a thorough once-over, she was deemed a perfectly functioning two-month old.  We talked about Emma's recent fussiness, and the ped gave us this knowing smile and said something about as comforting as "Yup, that's a baby for ya."  

Her height and weight are progressing okay, as are her developmental milestones.  Emma showed us up after I told the doc that she only occasionally pushes her whole top half up off the floor when we're having tummy time.  The doctor rolled her on her belly, and Em immediately did her little baby push-up, making me look foolish.  But that's okay.

The worst part of the visit was the shots.  She got three shots in her little meaty thighs, and one oral vaccine.  John had to hold her down on the table for the shots, while I sat on the bench and tried not to cry.  She rebounded beautifully though, and within a minute was happily nursing like nothing ever happened.  No sign of reactions to the shots yet, but keeping an extra watchful eye.  Not particularly difficult since I had to work until after midnight last night!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Yay! I'm glad the visit went well!