Sunday, January 11, 2009

Dear Mr. Graco

Thank you for inventing the Graco Silhouete infant swing. Its 2 speed soothing vibrations, removable deluxe body support and fabric covered motion mobile were a life-saver last night.

JMT and I had been avoiding purchasing a swing because we'd heard that it was an expensive item that would only be useful for a few weeks. Then Friday night happened. Emma could. not. be. consoled. She screamed at max volume, flailing and making herself hoarse for two hours on JMT's watch before he passed the baton. I was only able to get her quiet by nursing her, which I did constantly from 2 am to 8 am.

After a little reading, we realized that Miss Emma fits the textbook definition of colic to a T. Three or more hours of fussiness/crying a day, three or more days a week, for three weeks. Damn. Thats us.

Saturday morning, I re-read all of my sleep books and realized we are doing everything that's suggested... except a swing. So off to Target we went. And as it turns out, every other parent of an Infant in Southwest C-Springs must have had the same night we did, because they were completely out of swings. Not one left in stock.

Under normal circumstances, I would have taken that as a sign that we should give up, but yesterday I was determined. So I took JMT to Babies R Us, and we struggled for quite a while, trying to decide between the Silhouette, and a $40 cheaper model that appeared to be no different except without the 2 speed soothing vibrations. We discussed the merits of each model for a good while, but realized that if the cheaper swing didn't work, we'd always second guess our decision, thinking that maybe the vibration mode would have been the secret.

So, long installation story later, the swing was up and running last night. Emma fussed for exactly one minute when we put her in it, and was asleep 11 minutes later. I had resolved that it would be okay for her to sleep in the swing at night, but tried to put her to bed in her crib just in case she was soothed enough to get over the fact that every night for the past month, she's reacted to the crib as if it were electrified and shocking her every time we laid her down in it. It worked! She slept in her crib for four hours last night! She woke up to eat twice between midnight and 7, and is calmer and more composed this morning after a good night's sleep than she's been in a while.

Thank you Mr. Graco!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Hey lady! Great purchase! I hope it works out well for you.

I'm sure you've already thought of this or already done this, but next time you are at your doctor's office, you might talk to him/her about the fits. You know I have absolutely ZERO baby experience, but a lot of the medical articles that came out this last year talked a lot about babies having acid reflux that gives the same symptoms of cholic but can be treated much easier. Just a thought from the peanut gallery.